La principal tienda de La Paz de CBD y productos para fumar.
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Hacemos todo lo posible para ofrecer a nuestros clientes los mejores productos a precios competitivos. Es por eso que hemos elegido asociarnos con R + R Medicinals para nuestras ofertas de CBD. Todos los productos de CBD que vendemos son probados por un laboratorio externo para determinar su potencia y pureza. Los últimos resultados de las pruebas de cada producto se pueden ver haciendo clic en el botón "Resultados de laboratorio de Veiw".
When trying Delta 8 THC for the first time, it is important to remember that it can affect people differently; what works for one person may not for another. Generally, we recommend starting with a lower dose and working your way up. And as always, it is best to consult a physician before trying any new wellness products, CBD included. Things that may affect your dosage amount are:
Medical History
If you’ve recently eaten
How active you are
Your tolerance to Delta 8 THC
Your purpose for taking Delta 8
A basic guideline is to start with 5 – 15 mg of Delta 8 if you have a low tolerance or are just starting out. If the effects are not satisfactory at that level, you should increase the dosage to 15 – 45mg. Those with a high tolerance can try from 45 – 150 mg or more, if necessary.